Wydarzenia Festiwalowe z roku 2004
W trakcie 2. edycji Festiwalu 2004 odbyla sie prezentacja prac znanego artysty multimedialnego Hanana Harchola z Nowego Jorku, który przedstawil swoje filmy animowane:
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W dniach 5-6-7 marca 2004 odbyla sie w Centrum Sztuki Wspólczesnej w Zamku Ujazdowskim w Warszawie, retrospektywa nagrodzonych i wazniejszych 21 filmów 1. edycji Festiwalu 2003.
Festival Events since the 1st edition of
the Festival in 2003
April - May 2006: Warsaw, Cracow:
The retrospective of Woody Allen`s films
and the important as well as awarded films of the 3rd edition of Warsaw Jewish Film Festival 2005.
31.12.2005: Warsaw:
Special, exclusive Jazz concert on New Year`s Eve with the world acclaimed artist and his band
in Warsaw
organized by Daniel Strehlau as the special event connected with the Festival:
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29.10.2005: Warsaw: Cinema LUNA 10:30 p.m.
The performance of
the DJEMBE PAN drum group - african rythms
The performance is the continuation of the soundtrack from the film WONDROUS OBLIVION /10:30 p.m., LUNA A/
27.10.2005: Warsaw: 7 p.m.
Jadlodajnia Filozoficzna - The eating house of the philosophers:
TRANSKAPELA is an artistic project of four musicians acting in many areas of traditional music, trying to find its new meaning and contemporary context. Our musical search revolves around the traditional music of various cultural regions: Malopolska, Kurpie, Galicia, Polesie, Bukovina, Hucul Region, Maramures, Transilvania, in which despite the outer formal distinctions we try to seek its roots, common elements and the timeless values. The source music is an inspiration for our own interpretations and compositions. We form our music not on the basis of imitations but on the traditional patterns, in a creative way. The source of inspiration for TRANSKAPELA'S music constitutes the Jewish Culture of the Carpathians encompassing Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. We are inspired by music of Jewish wandering bands of the 19th and 20th century, known due to the archival records and notes. It's a kind of rural music (the music from small towns and villages), which has formed its specific style. It reaps from the numerous surrounding cultural motives that have a heavy influence on it. The Jewish wandering bands' music of the Carpathians is a medium of the intercultural interactions characteristic for this specific region.
Ewa Wasilewska - violin
Maciej Filipczuk - violin, vioara cu guarna
Robert Wasilewski - cimbalom (hammered dulcimer), viola
Piotr Pniewski - cello, drum
TRANSKAPELA CD: "Sounds and Shadows" 2005
27.10.2005: Warsaw: 9.00 a.m.: Multikino Multiplex in Warsaw, The additional screenings of the educational section take place (films from The Shoah Foundation founded by Steven Spielberg & from the Museum of Auschwitz - see: 2005 Gallery ) for about 300 highschool students.
Festival Events from 2003 till 2004 :
During the 2nd edition of the Festival 2004 took place the multimedia presentation of the work by Hanan Harchol - the artist from New York City, USA:
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On March 5-6-7 2004 took place the retrospective of awarded and important 21 films of The 1st edition of the WJFF 2003, which will take place in the famous Center for Contemporary Art - Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, PL.

Zamek Ujazdowski - Centre For The Contemporary Art
On October the 16th 2003 took place press conference of The 1st edition of the WJFF 2003 in the Traffic Club together with the opening of the exhibition of
Donald Mayer` Posters Collection from NYC www.contemporaryposters.com
- polish Jewish posters till 1968.