2016 Catalogue PDF |
The 14th WARSAW JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL takes place in November 21-27, 2016 at
the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (the main Festival partner) and JCC Warsaw.
The Honorary Patronage: The Marshall of Mazovia Voivodeship .
2016 Festival is dedicated to Martin Landau, Tad Taube and Radu Gabrea.
We would like to thank all submitters for sharing their projects with us!
2016 Jury Verdict
The 2016 A - Z list of the films in competition and non-competition screenings and 2016 Catalogue PDF
Galeria 2016 / Gallery 2016
Ceremonia Zamknięcia 14. edycji Festiwalu 2016 / The Closing Ceremony of 14th WJFF 2016
POLIN - Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich / the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Listopad 27 / November 27
Honorowa Kamera Dawida dla Radu Gabrea / The Honorary Camera of David Award for Radu Gabrea
Półmetek Festiwalu / Festival Half-way Point
foto / photo: Tadeusz Strączek
Ceremonia Otwarcia 14. edycja Festiwalu 2016 / The Opening Ceremony of 14th WJFF 2016
POLIN - Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich / the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Listopad 21 / November 21
foto / photo: Tadeusz Strączek