2010 Competition
Fiction feature films

dir. Scandar Copti, Yaron Schani
Niemcy, Izrael 2009,120 min
Poignant image of Ajami, Tel Awiw´s district – Yafo, in which the fates of the followers of Christianity, Judaism and Islam cross. Closest neighbours turn out to be greatest enemies. Numerous disorders in the film chronology make Ajami not only a well-made action movie, characterized by unpredictability and stunning pace of the narrative, but most of all – a multidimensional drama, in which people´s fates are revealed layer by layer.
Nominowany do Oskara 䙚 w kategorii Najlepszy Film Nieanglojezyczny, Złota Kamera w Cannes 䙙,nominacja do Europejskiej Nagrody Filmowej 䙙, Nagrody Izraelskiej Akademii Filmowej 䙙.

dir. Cherien Dabis
USA/Kanada 2009, 96 min
An extraordinary, intimate portrait of Muna, the mother who is raising her son Fadi alone in Ramallah in the Palestinian Authority. One day, Muna receives a visa to the U.S., for which she has already with difficulty applied before. They both go a small town in Illinois, where Muna, despite 15 years of experience in banking and two degrees, begins a new life and job in fast food restaurant chain...
Nagroda FIPRESCI - Cannes 䙙, Sundance 䙙 - oficjalna selekcja.

dir. Kaspar Heidelbach
Niemcy 2009,100min.
Based on a true story of a talented German Jewish girl Gretel Bergmann, who has been authorized by the Nazis to train and participate in the Olympics `36 under pressure from the U.S.. Barbarian regime did everything to exclude a prominent sportswoman from the Olympic Games of the"master race" ...
Will they succeed?
Atlanta JFF 䙚,New York JFF 䙚,United Kingdom JFF 䙚

Five hours from Paris
Five hours from Paris
Hamesh Shaot me´Pariz
dir. Leonid Prudovsky
Izrael, 2009, 90min.
An endearing story of Tel Aviv´s taxi driver who falls in love with a Russian immigrant, forced to emigrate to Canada. The film shows a subtle way of reaching closeness, in spite of adversity, by two people who long for happiness.
Toronto JFF, Boston JFF, Najlepszy Film na Hajfa FF, Najlepszy Film Izraelskiej Akademii Filmowej, Israel Los Angeles FF, UK JFF.

Moje życie - Marcel Reich Ranicki
Marcel Reich Ranicki: The Author of Himself
Mein Leben - Marcel Reich Ranicki
dir. Dror Zahavi
Niemcy 2009, 90min.
A story of an outstanding literature historian, undisputed literary critic and author of a programme in German TV, which for 30 years never left the air. Ranicki, after years of his connection with the security office, becomes its victim and flees Poland at the end of the 40.
Nominacja do Międzynarodowych Nagród Emmy 2010

dir. Marek Najbrt
Czechy 2009, 100min.
The film is set in Czechoslovakia during World War II. Radio announcer, Emil Vrbata decides to cooperate with the Nazi radio to protect his wife, Hana, who is of Jewish origin.
Zdobywca Czeskich Lwow 2009 - najlepszy film, nagroda za rezyserie, scenariusz, muzyke, montaz, nagroda dla najlepszej aktorki pierwszoplanowej.

Poważny człowiek
A Serious Man
A Serious Man
dir. Coen Brothers
Francja, USA, Wielka Brytania 2009, 105 min.
A portrait of a righteous man who realizes that the whole world turned against him. Suddenly, his wife leaves him, his scientific career is unstable ... A black comedy made froma distance.
Nominacja do Oskara w kategorii Najlepszy Film oraz Najlepszy Scenariusz Oryginalny 䙚

dir. Tali Shalom Ezer
Izrael 2008, 57min.
Edinburgh FF , United Kingdom JFF,San Francisco JFF, Jerusalem FF.
Feature documentaries

Amos Oz: The Nature of Dreams
Amos Oz: The Nature of Dreams
dir. Yonathan Zur, Masha Zur
Izrael, 2009. 86 min.
A dynamic document based on Amos Oz´s autobiography. The writer is presented as an activist for the Palestinian-Israeli peace. Intelligent image shows the artist´s closest people in the broader context of the collective history of Israel.
San Francisco JFF, UK JFF, Los Angeles JFF, Toronto JFF

Archiwum istnień
dir. Justyna Łuczaj-Salej
Polska, 2009, 55min.
The document is based on material gathered between 1941 and 1944 by the Nazi anthropologists. The results of their work contain 88 boxes of photographs, psychological and sociological tests, fingerprints, hair in envelopes.

Bracia Warner
The Brothers Warner
The Brothers Warner
dir. Cass Warner
USA, 90 min.
A personal portrait of four film pioneers - Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack, Jewish immigrants who did not stop to realize their dream to create a Warner Bros. film studio, now one of the largest in the world.
Jerusalem JFF, Los Angeles JFF.

Cabaret Berlin, The Wild Scene
Cabaret Berlin, The Wild Scene
Cabaret Berlin, La Scene Sauvage
dir. Fabienne Rousso-Lenoir
Niemcy, Francja 2010, 70 min.
Organised as a cabaret, the movie is built entirely of visual archival materials. As a result, there is a mesmerizing compilation showing the interior of the cabaret scene in Berlin (years 20. and 30. XX).
United Kingdom JFF, Nagroda Yad Vashem䙚.

dir. Dana Goren
Izrael 2009, 80min.
An intriguing story of emigrants from the former Soviet Union who are "temporarily" living in a luxurious hotel creating a unique microcosm, simultaneously living in the "Leningrad" and not becoming the residents of Tel Aviv. Time Capsule becomes a metaphor for the human exploration of their own place on Earth...
Jerusalem FF, The Israeli Documentary Filmmakers Awards

I Shot My Love
I Shot My Love
I Shot My Love
reż. Tomer Heymann
Izrael, Niemcy 2010, 70 min.
A complicated history of a homosexual relationship between Tomer and a German dancer Andreas, who goes to Israel and has to face the local reality of life. Tomer´s mother enters the construction of a love relationship.
Berlinale 䙚,Najlepszy dokument na HotDocs FF,Taiwan DFF,Madrid FF.

No. 4 Street of Our Lady
No. 4 Street of Our Lady
No. 4 Street of Our Lady
reż. Barbara Bird, Judy Maltz i Richie Sherman
USA, Izrael, Ukraina 2009, 90 min.
The heroic story of Franciszka Hałamajowa, who endangered her own live to preserve 15 Jewish children during the Holocaust. The film is based on fragments of the diary kept by one of the survivors, Moshe Maltz.
Los Angeles JFF,San Antonio JFF,York JFF, Zagreb JFF,Athens IFF.

The Last Survivor
The Last Survivor
The Last Survivor
dir. Michael Pertnoy & Michael Kleiman
USA/ Niemcy/ Izrael/ Kenia/ Szwecja 2010, 92min.
Four incredible stories of people who survived the genocide (the Holocaust, Rwanda, Darfur and Congo). The protagonists want to pass their tragic experiences to the next generations through them.
Najlepszy Film Dokumentalny Los Angeles JFF 䙚, Boston IFF䙚, Atlanta FF䙚, Jerusalem FF䙚.

A Pause in the Holocaust
A Pause in the Holocaust
Le temps d´un répit
dir. André Waksman
Francja 2009, 52min.
The history of the picturesque alpine village, where a short period of rest from the fascist regime is shown. A surprising reconstruction of a little-known episode of World War II, concerning the south of France.
Torino Film Festival䙚.
Short fiction films and animations

reż. Morten BH, Kirsten Dehlholm, Henning Carlsen
Dania 2010, 9 min.
Interwar period. A poor mother predicts a prosperous life to her son. Mr Hell believes the prophecy, and asks the peasant to make an unusual promise.
CPH:PIX 2010, Odense FF