Jury of the 7th edition of WARSAW JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL`09:

Jury Chairman:

  • Wojtek Pałys, a film producer whose work includes such titles as "The Garden of Eden" directed by John Irwin, written on the basis of Earnest Hemmingway's final book; an author and scriptwriter of documental films, including "Relocated", which examines the lives of terminal patients at the oncological hospice in Warsaw; an accomplished photographer, among his published albums is, first and foremost, "Chamsin" (with an accompanying Hebraic translation) - a comprehensive photographical coverage on the children of Israel, its first edition was published before the Intifada in 1999; the author of "Fortress", a novella first published in 1997, which excogitates the crossing of borderline situations - in the words of Harvard professor Lucia Gliksman - the interpretation of the allegorical essence of the work unambiguously indicates Shoah., Poland
  • 2009 Jury Members:

    • Lukasz Figielski - film journalist, Poland
    • Tadeusz Paradowicz - a film producer, founder and director of the CineMagic - the festival dedicated to the professionals of the film industry , Poland
    • Barbara Pawłowska - documentary filmmaker , Poland

    Soon more info!

    You are welcome!