Non - competition films 2007

Andrzej Wajda
Andrzej Wajda
dir. by Jerzy Domaradzki
Poland, 1976
A biographical study of Andrzej Wajda showing his artistic way through the fragments of his movies, from The Generation to Rough Treatment excerpts from his theatre performances.

Rough Treatment
Bez znieczulenia
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1978
Wajda's movie uncompromisingly shows the mechanism of the qoutidian reality so deeply involved into political system. Grand Prix at FPFF w Gdańsku78, Ecumenical Jury Award at XXXII MFF w Cannes79.

Black Book, The
Black Book, The
dir. by Paul Verhoeven
Holandia / Belgia / UK / RFN, 2006, 145`
Historia żydowskiej piosenkarki, która w 1944 r. przyłącza się do holenderskiego ruchu oporu pod pseudonimem "Ellis". Uwodzi niemieckiego oficera zaczynając swoją misję. Kiedy w 1945 r. zostaje oswobodzona rozpoczyna prywatne śledztwo by ustalić, kto ją zdradził Nominacja do Oscara dla Najlepszego Filmu Obcojęzycznego`06.

The ceramics from Ilza
Ceramika Iłżecka
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1951, 10`
A documentary made on fourth year of Film School. It presents the tradition of pottery production in this region and potters at work.

The man from the drawer. Aleksander Scibor - Rylski (1928-1983)
Człowiek z szuflady. Aleksander Scibor - Rylski (1928-1983)
dir. by Jerzy Sztwiertnia, Andrzej Kotowski
Poland, 1993, 54`
A movie about Aleksander Scibor - Rylski, writer and screenplays author (about 30 movies were made based on his screenplays).

I walk into the sun
Idę do słońca
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland 1955, 13`
A documentary about the sculptor Xawery Dunikowski, shot in his workshop. Director paid a tribute to the artist - a recluse without the artistic inheritors.

dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 2007,125`
"Katyn" tells the story of the so-called Katyn lie. It uses stories from an authentic diary found during the exhumation in 1943 to tell the fate of four fictional officers and their families.
In March 1940 Soviet leader Josef Stalin ordered the executions of 22,000 Polish army and police officers, intellectuals and clergy. The killings took place in the spring of the same year in the Katyn Forest. The victims, mostly from POW camps in Kozielsk, Starobielsk and Ostaszkow, were shot in the back of the head.
The Nazis discovered the mass graves during their march on Moscow in the fall of 1941, but Soviet propaganda blamed the deaths on Adolf Hitler and punished anyone speaking the truth with harsh prison terms. In 1990, Moscow admitted that dictator Josef Stalin`s secret police were responsible.

While you're asleep
Kiedy ty śpisz
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1953, 11`
This poetic documentary was shot when the director was on the last year of The Nat. Film School. It shows the life of the people who work at night and illustrates a poem by Tadeusz Kubiak

dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland/Germany, 1990, 113`
Moderate and even ascetic movie with it's black and white surface but still full of warmth, poetry and admiration for the main character. Zbigniew Pszoniak in the stunning leading role.

The landscape after the battle
Krajobraz po bitwie
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1970, 101`
The movie tries to answer the question how surviving the hell of a concentration camp affects the mentality. Awarded with Golden Duck by the movie magazine Film in 70 'Golden Globe`71 at Cineteca Italiana in Milan, awarded at Kolombo`72.

The love at twenty
Miłość dwudziestolatków
dir. by dir. François Truffaut , The short story V: Warsaw, dir. Andrzej Wajda
France/Japan/Italy, 1962, 117`
A movie combined with several short stories about the young generation of the 60's. Traffaut decided to let Wajda direct one of the short stories. The directors weren`t controlled by producers in any way.

At The Set
Na planie
dir. by Jerzy Ziarnik
Poland, 1968, 18`
A reportage from the shooting of the movie Everything for sale focusing mainly on the work of the director Andrzej Wajda.

A elderly man with lyra
Pan dziad z lirą
dir. by Sławomir Idziak and Andrzej Kotkowski
Poland, 1972 18`
A study presenting Andrzej Wajda at the set of his movie 'The wedding' which is the adaptation of a play by Stanisław Wyspiański.

Partisans of Vilna
Partyzanci Wilna
dir. by Josh Waletzky
USA, 1999, 130`
An unknown story from the times of Shoah. This movie shows a Jewish partisans in Lithuania led by a legendary poet Abba Kovner. The unique archival materials make this movie a very special chronicle.

The generation
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland 1954, 83`
The feature debut of Andrzej Wajda. It shows the generation of so called Columbus (after a novel by Roman Bratny) - young people who lived in occupied Poland had to make difficult ideological decisions. However, all of them wanted to fight for freedom against the agressors.

dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1961, 117`
The movie plot is set in Warsaw just before the outbreak and during the occupation of war and showing how complicated were the Polish-Jewish relationships.

Swimming in Auschwitz
Basen w Auschwitz
dir. by Jon Kean
USA, 2007, 63
Director Jon Kean discusses and screens his documentary about the experiences of six Jewish women at the Nazi death camp. Though they did not know each other at the time -and despite the fact that each of their stories are uniquely personal-each share many similarities. Their drive to share their incredible memories is what shines through and makes them all the more inspiring.

Signed by Andrzej Wajda
Sygnowane Andrzej Wajda
dir. by Andrzej Brzozowski
Poland, 1988
A movie presenting artistic work of Andrzej Wajda and the artistic means used in his movies.

The two lives of Eva
Podwójne życie Ewy
dir. by Esther Hoffenberg
France, 2005, 85`
Like many recent WWII/Holocaust-themed docus, Esther Hoffenberg's `The Two Lives of Eva` chronicles a personal quest - to understand her late mother's mental illness. The story of the daughter of a prominent German industrialist family in Poland becomes a Jewish wife and mother in France Patrimony Prize, 2005 Cinéma du Réel Festival, Prix des Escales Documentaires, 2005 La Rochelle Film Festival, 2006 New York Jewish Film Festival, 2005 Jerusalem Film Festival, 2005 Viennale, 2006 Buenos Aires International Film Festival.

The dead class. The seance of T. Kantor
Umarła klasa. Seans T. Kantora
dir. by Reżyser
Poland, 1976, 72`
During the shooting of The man from marble while having three days off, Wajda decided to make his dream come true and shoot The Cricot 2 Theatre performing Tadeusz Kantor`s play `The dead class`, which is ingrained in Romanticism, Modernism, the artwork of Bruno Schultz, Witkacy, Gombrowicz, extracting from mitology, Bible and the history of Jews.

The Wedding
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1972, 102`
Wajda`s movie is an excellent adaption of a great drama. `Golden Clusters` for art direction, screenplay, cinematography, scenography in Lagow 1973 r., `Silver Shell` in San Sebastian`73.

Easter Week
Wielki Tydzień
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1995, 93`
One week before the Easter, during uprising in Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 a young Jewish girl is hidden in her ex fiancé`s apartment who now lives with his pregnant wife. Her stay threatens the other tenants of the building who are afraid of being victimized by Germans.

Witness of hope, the life of Karol Wojtyla
- John Paul
II świadek nadziei, życie Karola
Wojtyły - Jana Pawła II
dir. by Judith Dwan Hallet
USA, 2001, 114`
A poet, playwriter, actor, mystic and the main authority of the Roman-Catholic church. Suffered during the Second World War and experienced the crueltu of the communism. He become one of the greatest defenders of the human rights.

The sentence on Franciszek Kłos
Wyrok na Franciszka Kłosa
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 2000, 96`
Kłos urgently did his job, supporting his family without a thought that cooperating with Nazis and chasing not only criminals but also Jews and people from conspiracy he deserves only to be condemned.

Young musicians: Niggun by Ernest
Młodzi muzycy wg Blocha
dir. by Yoram Gross
Australia, 2007, 8`
Young Musicians is a series of vibrant short films series of vibrant short films of dynamic performance by remarkable young Australian musicians.

An invitation to inside
Zaproszenie do wnętrza
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland/RFN, 1978, 55`
It`s a documentary about Ludwig Zimmerer, the journalist from West Germany who had come to Warsaw in 1956 and stayed there fascinated by Polish folk art

dir. by Jan Laskowski
Poland, 1969,70`
A montage movie which is greatly constructed portrait of the famous actor - Zbyszek Cybulski. The director used the excerpts from Wajda's movie.

Screen tests
Zdjęcia próbne
dir. by Agnieszka Holland, Paweł Kędzierski, Jerzy
Poland, 1976, 99`
Particular themes made by three directors connect in one general construction. The real screen test are used to give more authenticity. Wajda plays also a role in the movie

The promised land
Ziemia obiecana
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1974, 140`
Suggestive roles of dozens of great actors, excellent cinematography and scenography make a vivid picture of Polish-German-Jewish melting pot in Łód in the end of the XIXth century. Golden Lions in Gdańsk `75, Oscar nominee `76 and many awards at the int. film festivals.

The bad boy
Zły chłopiec
dir. by Andrzej Wajda
Poland, 1951, 6`
Mute fiction etude about a boy who peeps at secret dates of his older sister and her lover.

ZORKI - hiding mom's
ZORKI ukryty sekret mamy
dir. by Zohar Wagner
Israel, 2006`, 55`
Two years ago, Zohar Wagner, then 34, decided to tear away the cloak of silence that enveloped her bourgeois family. Her mother had a five year affair with a man ten years her junior, and Zohar, at the age of twelve, was an accomplice to the secret. Winner: Best Foreign Film - Delray Beach Film Festival, Florida - USA 2007; Gold Remi Award: Worlffest Houston International Film Festival, Texas 2007; Nominee: Best First Film Award: Israel Documentary Awards - Israel 2007.
The productions below are presented during the program: Cultural Europe - the looking for identity through the multimedia language: - Screening room of The Economic School in Warsaw :

The Black Book
Czarna księga
dir. by Paul Verhoeven
Holand / Belgium / UK / RFN, 2006, 145`
A story of a Jewish singer who in 1944 joins Dutch resistance movement using a nickname 'Blis'. At the beginning of her missions she seduces a German officer. After being released in 1945 she starts a private investigation to find out who betrayed her.

Partisans of Vilna
Partisans of Vilna
dir. by Josh Waletzky
USA, 1999, 130`
An unknown story from the times of Shoah. This movie shows a Jewish partisans in Lithuania led by a legendary poet Abba Kovner. The unique archival materials make this movie a very special chronicle.

Swimming in Auschwitz
Basen w Auschwitz
dir. by Jon Kean
USA, 2007, 63
Director Jon Kean discusses and screens his documentary about the experiences of six Jewish women at the Nazi death camp. Though they did not know each other at the time -and despite the fact that each of their stories are uniquely personal-each share many similarities. Their drive to share their incredible memories is what shines through and makes them all the more inspiring.

Podwójne życie Ewy
The two lives of Eva
dir. by Esther Hoffenberg
Francja, 2005, 85`
Like many recent WWII/Holocaust-themed docus, Esther Hoffenberg's "The Two Lives of Eva" chronicles a personal quest -- to understand her late mother's mental illness. The story of the daughter of a prominent German industrialist family in Poland becomes a Jewish wife and mother in France Patrimony Prize, 2005 Cinéma du Réel Festival, Prix des Escales Documentaires, 2005 La Rochelle Film Festival, 2006 New York Jewish Film Festival, 2005 Jerusalem Film Festival, 2005 Viennale, 2006 Buenos Aires International Film Festival.

Witness of hope, the life of Karol Wojtyla
- John Paul II
świadek nadziei, życie Karola
Wojtyły - Jana Pawła II
dir. by Judith Dwan Hallet
USA, 2001, 114`

Young musicians: Niggun by Ernest
Young musicians: Niggun by Ernest
dir. by Yoram Gross
Australia, 2007, 8`

ZORKI - hiding mom's
ZORKI ukryty sekret mamy
dir. by Zohar Wagner
Israel, 2006`, 55`
Two years ago, Zohar Wagner, then 34, decided to tear away the cloak of silence that enveloped her bourgeois family. Her mother had a five year affair with a man ten years her junior, and Zohar, at the age of twelve, was an accomplice to the secret. Winner: Best Foreign Film- Delray Beach Film Festival, Florida - USA 2007; Gold Remi Award: Worlffest Houston International Film Festival, Texas 2007; Nominee: Best First Film Award : Israel Documentary Awards - Israel 2007.