founded by Steven Spielberg: presents:
- outside of the competition:
presentations for schools in Warsaw, PL:
Survivors of The Shoah Visual History Foundation (presentation),USA, 25` - presentations for schools in Warsaw, PL
Mission of the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History FoundationTo overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry - and the suffering they cause - through the educational use of the Foundation's visual history testimonies. Introduction to the Shoah FoundationIn 1994, the Shoah Foundation was established by Steven Spielberg to document the experiences of survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust. To date, the Foundation has videotaped more than 50,000 testimonies, given in 32 languages by people living in 56 countries. More than 90 percent of the testimonies are from Jewish Holocaust survivors; however, the archive also contains interviews with other survivors, including Jehovah's Witnesses, Sinti and Roma, homosexuals, political prisoners, and survivors of eugenics policies. In addition, the Shoah Foundation has interviewed rescuers and aid providers, liberators, and war crimes trials participants.
Dzieci znikad, rez. Pawel Chukhraj, Rosja, 2002, 56`
Oczy Holocaustu, rez. Janos Szasz, Wegry, 2002
Pieklo na ziemi, rez. Voytech Yasny, USA, 2002, 55`
Ostatnie dni, rez. James Moll, USA, 1997, 90`
Ci, którzy przezyli, rez. Luis Puenzo, Argentyna, 2002
Children from the Abyss, dir. Pawel Chukhraj, Russia, 2002, 56`
Russian Holocaust survivors detail their experiences of resistance, betrayal, collaborators, rescuers, bystanders and the desire for revenge. Directed by Pavel Chukhraj (Academy Award Nominee for his film, The Thief).
Eyes of the Holocaust, dir. Janos Szasz, Hungary, 2002
Reżyser Janosz Sasz, syn ocalałej ofiary Holocaustu nakrecił ten węgiersko jezyczny film dokumentalny, który skupia sie przede wszystkim na doswiadczeniach ofiar, które w okresie Holocaustu byly dziecmi.
Hell on the Earth, dir. Voytech Yasny, USA, 2002, 55`
Hell on Earth Renowned Czech filmmaker Vojtech Jasny directed this Czech-language documentary, a look at Theresienstadt, the "model" Czech ghetto set up by the Nazis to deceive the world about how well the Jews were treated.
The last days, dir. James Moll, USA, 1997, 90`
Soon in English:
Uhonorowany Oskarem w 1998 za najlepszy dokument James Moll dokumentuje w poruszajacy sposób doswiadczenia wegierskich Zydów, którzy stali sie ofiarami okrucienstwa Hitlera w czasie ostanich dni II wojny swiatowej. Film zawiera nowo odkryte dokumenty historyczne i zdjecia archiwalne, takie jak np. wywiad z lekarzem nazistowskim w Auschwitz. Film opowiada historie pieciorga ludzi: babci, nauczycielki, biznesmana, artysty i congresmana - którzy powrócili z USA to swoich rodzinnych domów, gett i obozów koncentracyjnych, w których byli wiezieni. Dokument pokazuje najbardziej brutalne rozdzialy w mrocznym okresie ludzkiej historii, kiedy to rodziny byly zabierane z domów, obnazeni z godnosci, deportowani do obozów koncentracyjnych oraz mordowani z premedytacja. Mimo wszystko, ,, Ostatnie dni" to dokument o sile i odwadze czlowieka, testament o sile ludzkiego ducha.
Some who lived, dir. Luis Puenzo, Argentina, 2002
Argentine filmmaker Luis Puenzo (director of the Academy Award-winning film, The Official Story) directed this Spanish-language film, weaving together testimonies from Holocaust survivors now living in Argentina and Uruguay with archival and modern-day footage. Puenzo also explores the connections between Nazism and the darker chapters of Argentine history.
Hollywood`s ending, dir.. Woody Allen, USA, 2002, 114`
Woody Allen plays Val Waxman, a film director, who was once big in the 1970's and 1980's, but has now has been reduced to directing TV commercials. Finally, he gets an offer to make a big film. But, disaster strikes, when Val goes temporarily blind, due to paranoia. So, he and a few friends, try to cover up his disability, without the studio executives or the producers knowing that he is directing the film blind.
Anything else, dir. Woody Allen, USA, 2003, 108`
Christina Ricci invigorates an even-more-neurotic-than-usual variation on the classic neurotic woman in this Woody Allen movie. Comedy writer Jerry Falk (Jason Biggs, American Pie) is madly in love with Amanda (Ricci, The Opposite of Sex), even though they haven't had sex in six months. Falk meets an older writer named Dobel (Allen) who becomes a sort of accidental mentor, encouraging him to break free of Amanda and his clinging agent (Danny DeVito). The pace is sluggish, almost every scene feels like an outtake from an earlier, better Woody Allen movie (particularly Annie Hall), Biggs never seems comfortable with his dialogue--only Ricci makes her character her own, giving her own perverse comic spin to the proceedings. About three-fourths of the way through the movie, the story starts to feel fresher and more compelling, but by then it's too late
My Atlantis, dir. Andrzej Mos, Poland, 1995, 26`
Józef Lewandowski - retired history professor of Uppsala University. He was born in Jewish family in Konin and until 1939 he used to live in this city. Together with his family he escaped from German repressions to the Soviet Union. He returned to Poland as the officer of Polish Army. The film reconstructs memories of Józef Lewandowski that were initially written down in his book - "Four days in Atlantis". Professor recalls his youth, family history and life pre-war Konin during his nostalgic walk across the family city. He also reflects on his identity and on Polish - Jewish relationships.
Outside of the competition: 2005
Revolution dir. Andrea Feder Carolina May, Canada, 2004
One Town Two Cultures, dir. Dariusz Tanski, Poland 2004
Toronto Bundists speak on their political beliefs, personal histories and how the left-wing worker's organization impacted their lives in this charming short from Ryerson University students Andrea Feder and Carolina May.
Film presents memories, and opinions regarding stories, that were circulating between Polish and Jewish nations in Maków Mazowiecki. This document tells about funcitional influence of two cultures on architecture of this twon, abuot relationships, which were obvious between Christian and Jewish population of the town.Participating people were reminiscing about activities o well known Jewish from Maków, also about II World War, and Jewish ghetto in Maków. Film represents present relations o both cultures, recalling to anti-semitism before and today. In addition, it says about education of young generations, and about meetings o Polish and Israel youths.
God on our side, dir. Michal Pfeffer & Uri Kranot, The Netherlands 2005, 7`
Inspired by Picasso's Guernica (1937), this film is fundamentally about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the name of God, people are infused with rage and violence. Fear leads to brutality and vengeance follows. What hope is there for a child born into this circle of loss?
Vered don't die &other stories
Vered al. Tamuti ve od sipurim, dir. Yanai Pery, Israel, 2004, 6`
Every tragedy is a place with repeating features like the same ambulance, the same screeming and so on. Every tragedy is also specific and has unique moments, stories and heroes. This film is about such a place. Although this film may feel like a political film it is not. It is based on my own experiences as some one living in Jerusalem and is a personal as any film that deals with important times in ones life.
- outside competition 2005:
Liberation of Auschwitz, real by: Alezander Woroncew, USSR, 1945, 55`
Music Memorial, dir. James Kent, UK/Canada/Germany, 2005, 90` - competition screening
Love, 27` - outside of the competition
This film contains footage taken by Soviet cameramen ater the liberationo the Auschwitz camp on January 27, 1945. Among other things, it depicts the camp area immediately after the entry by the First Ukrainian ront of the Red Army.Documentary pictures are interspersed with an interview with Alexander Vorontzov, the cameraman who accompanied the Red Army soldiers and did most of the filming. The whole is accompanied by commentary describing, among others, the selection and extermination process, medical experiments and everyday life in the Auschwitz concentration camp.The film was previously released in 1985, for the 40th anniversary o the liberation o the camp. The commentary accompanying the current edition of the film reflects the lasted indings by researchers studying the KL Auschwitz.
A music film to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in memory of those murdered in the Nazi genocide.Amidst the horrors of Auschwitz, music was a part of daily life. There were several orchestras and bands in the two camps, made up entirely of inmates. Marches were played at the camp gates as the labour gangs were led out to work each morning and musicians were called upon at all times of the day and night to perform for the SS and Nazi officers. For those incarcerated music was, in Primo Levi's words, "the perceptible expression of the camp's madness". For the surviving orchestra players, music was their salvation.In a unique tribute to the millions who died in the Nazi genocide, and for the first time in its history, the Museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau has allowed a number of leading musicians from around the world to come to the camps and perform in a 90-minute film shot entirely on location.
From Auschwitz Chronicle
dir. Michal Bukojemski, Polska 2004
Rampa w Birkenau, 26`
There in no singel universal truth about the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. Each camp survivor has their own unquestionable truth - which may vary from the truth o their campmate from neighbouring bunk. The films contain brief testimonies of numerous eyewitnesses. As a result, the images and histories seen and told in the films contain an unusual degree of intensity and emotion.
John Paul II and Jews:
outside the competition:
TV VATICANA presents:
Pope John Paul II - The Ambassador of Piece, 2005, 10`
The pilgrimage of John Paul II to the Holy Kland
Giovanni Paolo II pellegrimo in Terra Santa, Vatican 2002, 55`
Soon in English:
Modlitwa Papieza przy "scianie placzu" ujawnila równiez, ze istnieja plaszczyzny, na których chrzescijanie i zydzi moga budowac wspólna rzeczywistosc. Jedna z nich jest modlitwa do tego samego Boga. Okazuje sie, ze nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby zydzi i chrzescijanie wznosili wolanie do Boga w tych samych miejscach i w formie zgodnej z ich wielowiekowa tradycja. Szczególnie wymownym gestem bylo pozostawienie przez Ojca Swietego w szczelinie muru kartki z tekstem modlitwy. Byla to ta sama prosba o przebaczenie dla wszystkich, którzy stali sie przyczyna cierpienia Narodu Wybranego, jaka zostala wypowiedziana w Dniu Przebaczenia w Bazylice sw. Piotra. TV VATICANA.
The pontiff visited Yad Vashem, Israel's national memorial to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.
Spotkanie w Yad Vashem mialo charakter podniosly i godny. Odwolujac sie do wlasnych przezyc z czasu okupacji hitlerowskiej w Polsce, Jan Pawel II oddal czesc ofiarom Holokaustu i stwierdzil, ze byl to tragiczny owoc ludzkiej bezboznosci. Jedynie bowiem "bezbozna ideologia mogla zaplanowac i przeprowadzic zaglade calego narodu". Raz jeszcze jako Nastepca sw. Piotra potwierdzil, ze Kosciól katolicki "gleboko ubolewa z powodu nienawisci, przesladowan i przejawów antysemityzmu, jakie kiedykolwiek i gdziekolwiek spotkaly Zydów ze strony chrzescijan".