The next Festival is coming on November 24 - 30, 2017
The 15th Warsaw Jewish Film Festival will take place on November 24 - 30, 2017 at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and JCC Warsaw.
As usual the event will have its main Jewish subject focus on the new and the best production of the international film scene. Our competition program will be giving out 12th Camera of David awards in total exhibit in a few competitive sections (The Camera of David Awards).
We are already waiting for your movies! Please submit your movie using our partner online platform:
We accept movies with Jewish subject and with the date of production 2016 and 2017.
Suitable category of movies: Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Narrative Feature Film, Narrative Short Film, included Animated Feature Film and Animated Short Film.
Submission deadline is September 30th, 2017. Submission rules and regulation:
GOOD LUCK! Soon more information about the 2017 Festival program.
The Jerusalem Film Workshop: June 14 - July 25, 2017. Open call!
Submission deadline: April 22, 2017
2016 WJFF
The 14th WARSAW JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL takes place in November 21-27, 2016 at
the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (the main Festival partner)
JCC Warsaw.
The Honorary Patronage: The Marshall of Mazovia Voivodeship .
2016 Festival is dedicated to
Martin Landau, Tad Taube and Radu Gabrea.
We would like to thank all submitters for sharing their projects with us!
2016 Jury Verdict
The 2016 A - Z list of the films in competition and non-competition screenings
and 2016 Catalogue PDF
2008 Camera of David
for the Best Short "With a little patience" dir. by Laszlo Nemes |
2016 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film "Son of Saul" dir. by Laszlo Nemes |
 2016 Oscar for "Son of Saul" dir. by Laszlo Nemes |
Galeria 2016 / Gallery 2016
Ceremonia Zamknięcia 14. edycji Festiwalu 2016 / The Closing Ceremony of 14th WJFF 2016
POLIN - Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich / the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Listopad 27 / November 27
Honorowa Kamera Dawida dla Radu Gabrea / The Honorary Camera of David Award for Radu Gabrea
Półmetek Festiwalu / Festival Half-way Point
foto / photo: Tadeusz Strączek
Ceremonia Otwarcia 14. edycja Festiwalu 2016 / The Opening Ceremony of 14th WJFF 2016
POLIN - Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich / the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Listopad 21 / November 21
foto / photo: Tadeusz Strączek